Remaking It's a Wonderful Life
Gasp! I can hear the cries of horror and well-founded disbelief...as far as I know, there are no plans to re-make that most beloved of Christmas movies, director-producer Frank Capra's…
Read MoreGasp! I can hear the cries of horror and well-founded disbelief...as far as I know, there are no plans to re-make that most beloved of Christmas movies, director-producer Frank Capra's…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From April 1946 Hawaiian Tsunami Today's baby boomers and seniors may remember the April 1, 1946, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 7.4 earthquake that triggered a Pacific Ocean tsunami with…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From December 1946: UNICEF Begins, It's A Wonderful Life, Flamingo Las Vegas Opens UNICEF Forms UNICEF was formed in In December 1946, when the United Nations General Assembly…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From August 1946: Jockey George Woolf, Adolf Eichman Escapes, CIA Established On January 3, 1946, Canadian jockey George Woolf "The Iceman" fell off his horse Please Me…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From November 1946: First BAA (NBA) Game, JFK Elected Congressman, Thurgood Marshall Escapes Lynch Mob On November 1, 1946 the New York Knicks (short for Knickerbockers) basketball team played the…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From October 1946: First Cannes Festival, Canada Savings Bonds Debut, First Space Photos The first Cannes International Film Festival in 1946 ran from September 20th - October…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From September 1946: Joe Garagiola Night, Evelyn Dick Charged, Nazi Leaders Sentenced 20-year-old Major League Baseball rookie Joe Garagiola took to the home field on Joe Garagiola…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From August 1946: AEC is Formed, Dominican Tsunami, & Booker T. Washington Commemorative Coin On August 1, 1946, U.S. President Harry Truman signed the McMahon/Atomic Energy Act,…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From July 1946: Sam Snead Wins 75th Open; Spock's Baby Book; 44 Dachau SS Sentenced to Death Sam Snead Wins 75th Open Championship (Sam Snead c.1967 Photo:…
Read MoreBaby Boomer Trivia From June 1946: Bikini Debuts, Joe Louis Wins Title, First Mobile Phones French designer Louis Reard is widely credited for inventing the bikini so loved by baby boomers…
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