Technology & Learning

Site & App Use Made Easy By Techboomers, proud partner of 50+ World, is a 100% free-to-use website that teaches casual, new, or even experienced technology users, how to master the world’s most popular websites and appstechboomers features 100+ FREE courses and 1500+ tutorials that teach older adults and/or inexperienced technology users how to use the most popular and trusted websites and Internet apps. The courses on are packed with video and text tutorials tailored for those with limited computer skills. Written in easily-understood, non-technical language, these courses provide context through real-world parallels.

50+ World posts some of Techboomers’ content on this site to help Generation X, Baby Boomers, & Seniors learn how to use technology in a safe and responsible way.

Browse through the Technology & Learning pages on 50+ World, or use the search field at the top of every 50+ World page to find the tech help content you’re looking for throughout the site!

50 plus world search field

Some of Techboomers’ best courses include “how to” for shopping online, online entertainment, technology basics, using social media, and many other useful websites and apps to make your life (and technology) easier, such as these tutorials shared on 50+ World:

And so much more!

Techboomer also has the amazing Techboomers YouTube channel, with 450+ videos, over 32 million views and 300,000 subscribers! Their short instructional videos help teach those that are more visual learners with short, easy-to-understand videos.

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