Pets & Animals

7 Crazy Things Pet Parents Do

It’s not a secret that a pet-parent can be obsessed with their pet. Obviously, love and care is just not enough for some pet owners, who go the extra mile to express how much importance their dog, cat, bird or other beloved animal, holds in their life. 

dogs, pets, clothes, dressing, clothing, costumes, bulldog, shih tzu, animals, funny(Dressed Up Dogs Photo: Karsten Winegeart via Unsplash)

Pets are lifetime companions for us and I’m sure if you are a pet parent you couldn’t agree more. You go to a lot of trouble to pick the best type of dog, cat, bird, or other pet for you, feed them right, keep up to date on health care / vet check-ups, keep them safe from toxic plants or foods, buy them toys and a good bed (if they’re not sleeping in YOUR bed already), and give them lots of play time and cuddles.

Many otherwise sane pet parents have shown their love by going one or more steps further than this, by doing “crazy” things for their beloved dog or cat. Without further ado, here are some of the craziest things pet owners have done for their pets.

1. Dressing Up Your Pet

Pet parents really don’t need a reason to dress up their pup, kitten, or even older adult cats and dogs. Hallowe’en or not, they’ll still enthusiastically dress up their pet as if the animal is all set to walk the fashion ramp or flaunt their beach body. Good pet costumes need no occasion and that’s why we notice cat or dog-parents dressing them, and taking numerous pictures. 

2. Stroller Walks

Just as we take infants or toddlers for stroller walks, some pet parents have taken stroller walks to the next level. That’s because they consider their pet to be their baby, and they like carting Fluffy around in a stroller for fun. Of course, some dogs may have temporary or permanent mobility disabilities which make it difficult for them to go on a walk, and a stroller is a nice way to enable them to enjoy exploring new territory outside the confinement of house or yard.

3. Pet Weddings

Have you ever been invited to a pet wedding? LOL, yes, some pet parents organize a pet wedding as if their human child is getting married. Hiring professional dog groomers, dressing and primping their pet for the big day. Inviting guests dressed for a proper wedding and party, complete with decorations and refreshments.

4. Dog Undies

There are many cat or dog-specific products on the market for pets that have “accidents” inside the home. Some dog owners now want undies to hide their pup’s private parts. And the surprising part is that they even react as if they’ve seen their doggo naked for the first time when the undies are removed….”Awww…you’re nakey!”

5. Doggles

It’s not just humans who can look cool with designer eye shades and goggles. Doggy or kitty deserves some eyewear swag with their goggles on. If people can buy undies for their dog, then why not sunglasses too?

6. Intimate Toys

This is for real (search the internet at your peril), and just to inform you that pet parents do shop intimate toys for their pets, because why should humans have all the fun?

7. Getting a Talking Collar

Okay! We humans want our pets to do literally everything and that can involve buying a talking collar for the dog. Yes, some pet parents shop for a talking collar that has pre-programmed phrases, and even sounds of flatulence!

If you’re a pet parent who HASN’T done anything from the above list, then you’re saner than you thought. If you DID qualify for at least one item on this list, know that it’s the purest form displaying your limitless love for your cat or dog. As poet John Mark Green said,

And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again.

*This article is for general informational purposes only. 50+ World does endorse any product or service providers, nor does it receive remuneration from them.*

Jamie Hytten

Jamie Hytten is a Birmingham-based content writer who has extensive experience in writing about pets and their healthcare. He has ghostwritten for many top pet care websites such as CanadaPetCare. Along with writing about pets, Jamie loves spending time with his family and his own pet dogs. You can connect with him on Twitter.


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